Sunday, May 13, 2012

Reef is 6!

It's hard for me to believe that 6 years ago we began the journey called parenthood!  This guy had his birthday on the 3rd:
We kicked it off with a special birthday breakfast of coconut crusted French toast.  It was extra special because Troy came home for it.
We spent the rest of the day working on school and swimming with KC and Lyla.
After nap and Troy coming home, it was present time.
We got him the Angry Birds "board" game.
 Oma and Opa got him a remote control car.  Both were big hits.
 We didn't have batteries for the car so they jumped right into the Angry Birds game. 
 Mommy was hard at work making the requested birthday dinner: pizza.  Troy helped by making them look like angry birds.
 On Friday, Reef opened his present from Gigi: the black ninja lego thing he was dying for.  He worked on it, by himself, for about 3 hours.
Saturday was his Angry Birds party with his friends, but that's a whole other post.
At his well child check, Reef was 44 3/4 inches tall (25-50th %) and 46lbs (50th %). 
Reef really is an amazing kid.  He is definitely a first child and wants everything to be pefect the first time.  This can be frustrating but isn't suprising since that's how mommy is too.  He generally wants to please us and doesn't argue most of the time.  He is very sensitive and gets upset if he thinks he's done something wrong.  Reef is by far our best eater, always eager to try something new. 
We love you Reef and can't wait to see what the next year brings!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

love to do some mutual c--k sucking and get my fingers deep in your tight little bum while I sucked you, get it loosened up ready for c==k