Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Poppy: 11 months

In just a little less than a month, Poppy will be one!  The last month brought it's own share of changes. 
We finally committed to crying it out through her 5 am-ish feeding, so she's now sleeping until about 6:30.  Usually I can feed her, and she goes back to sleep until 8:00. 
 I also started the weaning process since I'm headed to the beach at the end of May.  It's been bittersweet; I'm ready to be done but not ready at the same time.
She is definitely on the move and can crawl so fast!  She is especially fast when her big brothers leave the door to their room open.  She's also a climber and can make it half way up the slide in their room.  Going to have to keep an eye on this one!
At mealtimes, she is boycotting the spoon, so we've moved to mostly finger foods.  I'm not as comfortable with this since I'm never really sure how much she ate.  She is willing to try all foods and surprisingly few are rejected.  Her favorites right now are chili and spagetti.  She's definitely a beef lover!  We introduced whole milk in the last month and she's taken to it really well.
I didn't think walking would come before her first birthday, but now I think it might.  She can stand up all by herself without pulling up and considers taking steps before deciding crawling would be faster.  She does like to walk holding on to my fingers, though.
Here are the few pics from the last month:
We decided it was time for the pink chair to come out.  She likes it.

She's a good helper, especially with laundry!
At Sea World

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