Saturday, May 19, 2012

Family Day at Sea World

Troy had last Friday off, so we headed to Sea World.  This is the first year Lachlan has been tall enough for rides.  He is just a hair too short for the Shamu ride, though.
They love this ride; it makes me want to vomit!
 Poppy liked watching from the sidelines.
 Can you see Lachlan's head peeking out on the left?
 She was jamming to the Sesame Street gang.
 The penguins and puffins are a current obsession of the big boys.
 After lunch (actually a snack since they made me throw our sandwiches out :( ), we headed to the bay of play.  Lachlan shocked me because he HATES to have his face wet.
 Poppy and Daddy headed over the baby splash area.  Do you think she liked it?
This was our 4th trip to SW this season, and we can't wait for the water park to open so we can check that out too!


Sara said...

The first picture of all the boys on the ride and that last picture of Poppy in the sand are PRICELESS.

Kim said...

How fun! Love sea world! Poppy is adorable