Thursday, August 28, 2008

Great husband

Just wanted to take a minute to brag on my hubby. After I washed my phone earlier this week, we agreed that he would pick up another one for me when he had time. He's been really busy at work and had plans to help some friends move the next day, so I knew I wasn't getting a new phone on Tuesday. I took the boys to have lunch with him on Tuesday, and Troy surprised me with a new phone! I was so excited to be back in the loop again. They were able to save my sim card, so I didn't even have to re-enter my numbers!
Then, on top of that, he surprised me later that day with a new computer! Mine crashed several months ago, and we've been meaning to take it the Geek Squad for repairs. Well, he did that on Tuesday too, and they said it would be cheaper just to get a new one on sale. Knowing that I would say no to that for the sake of saving money, Troy just got the new one for me!
Now, I'm a little stressed about the credit card bill but super excited about my new stuff! I am truly blessed with a thoughtful husband!

1 comment:

Allison said...

Woo hoo! New gadgets, those are the best days when you have new stuff to play with! Good job Troy! :-)