Monday, February 4, 2013

More Christmas Day fun

I realize that it is now February (!), but I'm still catching up on December!  Oh, well...Shouldn't take long to do January anyway since my camera and I were not friends.
After breakfast on Christmas morning, we headed to a park with a nice sidewalk for some scooter-ing.
The playscape actually got more love than the scooters.

 But Jonas and Reef did make a few loops.
After fun at the park, we headed to the Redbox.  Troy and I decided to treat the kids to a double feature Christmas:  Brave and Madagascar 3.
It felt weird, but we spent Christmas evening on our own this year.  Usually we're with the Torres's or out of town, I guess.
Our extravagant menu included: pizza puffs, pigs in a blanket, fried pickles and chicken wings.
Not our healthiest meal, I admit.
We ate all that fabulousness (plus some veggies) while watching the second movie in our 2-movie-Christmas: Madagascar 3.
What a great day it was!

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Subhash said...
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