Sunday, September 19, 2010

Faith like a child

For being only 4 years old, Reef conintually reminds of the kind of faith we should have in God. This boy will not go to bed without a bedtime prayer, and, if he's having a problem (bad dreams, hiccups, coughs), he will ask to pray about it. Last night, he even asked our friends, Brian and Emily, to pray for him to not have bad dreams.
Always, when he asks for those kind of prayers, there's never a doubt that he won't be answered! Oh, to have faith like that!

As a side note, Reef also likes to talk about what Heaven will be like. Last week in the car:
Reef: I can't take my toys to Heaven?
Me: No.
Reef: I can't wait to see what kinds of toys God has! I bet He has the BEST toys! I bet He has a big backyard too!

He's also sure that the food in Heaven will also be great. He's really hoping for Chick Fil A chicken sandwiches and peanut butter and honey sandwiches! Love this kid!


Kim said...

so precious!

Sara said...

How sweet! I think God likes using our kids as our teachers.