Friday, March 19, 2010

Spring No-Break

This week has been Spring Break here in San Antonio. For me, that actually means "no break" since there was no preschool or Ladies Bible Class. We did our best to keep busy, but, boy, were these boys a handful! We took advantage of my NEON girls being home by visiting La Cantera with Katelin and the zoo with Rachel and her friend Rebecca Ingram. Never again will I visit the zoo during Spring Break; the crowd was crazy!! We also enjoyed our first 2010 trip to Sea World with KC, which was also crowded but still lots of fun. The boys had a great time at the Azul show (beluga whales, high divers, AND synchronized swimmers), the Shamu show (kind of boring now that the trainers stay out of the water, but new baby Shamu is really cute) and zipping down the long slide. With the exception of rain on Tuesday and a cold weekend, the weather was PERFECT, so we also enjoyed lots of time playing outside. Because my camera was either not with me, without batteries, or just too hard to handle at the same time as 3 busy boys, the only pictures of the week are taken at home, but they still show us having fun!
Art project of the day: All Afloat on Noah's Boat

He LOVES being outside.
Troy added on to the fort and now we have a "bedroom" too!
Troy finally raked up our year's worth of leaves. Reef was a big help bagging them up.
Caramel cream egg-Troy's favorite!
A "cheese" moment after grafitti-ing the fire pole

1 comment:

Sara said...

Your family is precious.