Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Easter Egg Hunt 2010 (1 of 4)

Sunday was our church's annual Easter lunch and egg hunt. Troy was helping serve the lunch (Brazil fundraiser), but I decided to brave lunch alone. Luckily, we have a church family who's always willing to lend a hand, and Troy was able to break away for a little bit too. After hot dogs, chips, and cupcakes (not our finest meal moment!), we tried pictures with the Easter bunny...

It turned into a family pic since Jonas is still afraid of things like Easter bunny and Santa. As you can see Lachlan loved it. I look funny...
After the bunny pictures, we hit the bounce house and playground until hunting time.
Jonas was in the first group and Reef helped him find his eggs and waited patiently for his turn.

While I loaded Jonas and Lachlan into the van, Reef hunted with just Daddy.

They both had a great time hunting and couldn't wait to sample some candy after their nap! One hunt down, 3 more to go!