Thursday, November 10, 2011

Poppy 4 and 5 months

I totally missed the boat on Poppy's 4 month post, so this will be about the last 2 months.  I say it every month, but I really can't believe she is almost half a year old.  I love seeing her personality develop each day but still miss those snuggly newborn days.  We would definitely have tons of kids (just call me Michelle Duggar) if Troy was on board with it.  Luckily, our friends are still having babies so I can get my baby fix there.
Poppy went to the doctor at 4 months and these were her stats: 15lb 5oz (75-90th); 24.5 in (75th). 
We've had a rough couple of months in the sleeping department.  At 3 months, she was going 7:30-4:30 pretty consistently.  I think I had a major milk supply drop, which led to more night wakings.  She also seems to have forgotten how to self soothe, so I'm usually up several times in the night.  It has been very frustrating and tiring.  I wish she took a pacifier.  She has also figured out how to get out of her miracle blanket swaddle.  The last few nights, we've tried the Woombie swaddle again with some success.  She's gone 10-11 hours without eating the last 3 nights.  Last night, she was up constantly from 1-5 because she kept rolling over and getting stuck.  She never rolls during the day!  I am sad to say that the swaddling days may be over, but I am afraid of that transition.  Crying it out may also be in our near future.
We've been working a lot on getting her to take a bottle, with limited success.  Troy and I are headed on a cruise in December, and she was not invited.  I really think once I'm gone and she gets hungry enough, the bottle won't be an issue. 
Poppy is really loving her solids.  So far we've tried oatmeal, peas, sweet potato, carrots, green beans, and prunes.  We started with dinner only and have added lunch the last 2 days.
Overall, she's a pretty easy baby during the day.  She has about an hour and a half of waketime between naps.  Her morning naps are short but the afternoon nap is 2-3 hours.  Some days she also takes a short evening nap.  Bedtime is betwen 6:45 and 7:30.

Here are a few cute pictures of the last couple of months.
Hanging out with Reef.  He checks on her pretty frequently when she's playing on the floor by herself.
She has definitely found her hands in the last couple of months.  She loves to hold them up in the air and watch them.  She likes to put them in her mouth, too, but doesn't really suck on any one finger.
Troy wanted to try solids right at 4 months but I forgot to get cereal at the store.  We stuck a banana in the mesh feeder thingy.  She didn't love it.
I got cereal at the store the next day, and that was more successful.
Loves those fingers.  She is also learning to turn herself in the jumper to see all around.
Crazy hair.  Her hair has really started falling out and is growing in a little lighter.  Not sure she will be as blonde as the others, though.
Picture with Reef.  Obviously I was really liking that elephant onesie this month.
One of my favorites.
Can't wait to see what happens next month!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have something she will love in her little mouth, started my granddaughter sucking at one month old