Friday, December 5, 2008

What a month!

I can't believe how fast time is flying by! It's been a whole month since I last posted! It seems like life has been crazy in the Gibbins house, but now I can't remember all that's been going on. I guess that momnesia is kicking in again!
We spent Thanksgiving with my family in Conroe this year. It was good to see the cousins and aunts and uncles since we missed them last year, but it was also hard since I'm the only one with kids and the boys had a lot of strangers to adjust to. Other highlights of the trip were seeing both of my sisters, baby Jacob, and my dad.
Reef and Jonas have been fighting illness for the last month too. Yuck! Reef's has just been viral and allergies, but poor Jonas has had allergies, sinus infection, strep throat, and now an ear infection. No wonder he's been so moodly lately! My poor boy!
Because of all the busy-ness, no pics this month. Hopefully I'll do better in December!

1 comment:

Tara said...

I hope everyone is feeling better! I've been thinking about you guys.