Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Potty training update

I know you've all been anxiously awaiting an update on the potty situation. If you're not at all interested in matters concerning the potty, you probably want to stop reading now...
We decided that Friday would be the big day that Reef graduated to the big boy underwear. I picked Friday because it gave us several days at home for him to get the hang of things and I have Troy around to help me.
On Thursday I took Reef to Target to pick out his underwear. He was very excited to bring home a pack of Cars and a pack of Handy Manny ones and couldn't wait to start wearing them!
Friday was challenging but pretty successful. I moved the potty to the living room, so that we didn't have as far to go, and I wouldn't have to worry about Jonas while I was in the other room. Well, before noon we had 2 poop and 1 pee accident. I wasn't surprised by the poop since Reef had never been on the potty for that. Of course, in addition to those, Jonas dumped the potty out on the floor once before I had a chance to clean it! Then when I picked it up, I spilled the rest in Melynda's shoe! I was about ready to throw in the towel!
Saturday was much better with only 1 pee and a 1/2 poop accident. He even went poop in the potty once on his own!
Monday was our best day yet, with no accidents! Unfortunately, Reef is now having a fear of pooping in the potty. Everytime he sits down to go, he starts crying about it being a "brown one". Troy and I don't know what happened since Sunday went so well.
Today was a setback with 1 pee accident and a poop in his diaper during naptime. I'm getting a little frustrated but now I need to be patient with him and stick with it. Our goal is to be accident free before he goes back to preschool.
Wish us luck!


Claire & Eden said...

Yeah for Reef! I know it's challenging but just hang in there =) It's ok to have accidents as long as there is improvement as we experienced with Claire!

Kim said...

Hang in there Lauren! It's rough getting them potty trained. Our kids were afraid of #2 also after they had done it a few times. Then they would get constipated!! After the ordeal of that then they usually were ok, I guess going poopy is better than a supository (sp?) in their bum. You're a brave one to do it while you are dealing w/morning sickness.
Take care!

Betsy said...

I had no idea that you've been blogging since 2008. When I realized this, I HAD to start catching up! I LOVED the "brown one" part during the potty training - hilarious!!