Tuesday, December 9, 2008

The Potty Train is in the station!

Reef decided last weekend that it was time to start potty training. We haven't been pushing him much because he was NOT interested. Then, Friday night (at 3am unfortunately) he started crying in his room. We thought he had a bad dream and told him to go back to sleep. He screamed every 10 minutes for the next 2 hours. We tried giving him Tylenol, changing his diaper (which was totally dry), changing his PJ's, and taking him to our bed. Finally, at the end of our rope, Troy tried putting Reef on the potty, and he filled it up! He was crying because he'd been holding it in all night! I couldn't believe it.
He's doing really well at night and will use the potty before bed and then in the early morning. Then he'll go back to bed for another hour or 2. During the day, he goes occasionally but is usually to busy to stop and go. This is totally backwards from the way all of his friends have done it! He's even tried at preschool on the big potty! This apparently started a "potty train" of all the boys wanting to go to the potty with Reef. We reward him with 1 M&M every time he goes, so hopefully he'll start being more consistent.
He's doing so great! Hopefully over Christmas we'll complete the process.

1 comment:

Kim said...

YAY!! It is such a wonderful feeling when they are potty trained. And so much easier when they are ready, way to go Reef!!