Friday, October 12, 2012

This girl...

cracks me up all the time!
On this day, she had to sit with Reef while he did math.
Her interest in books has really grown.  She squeals in delight when she sees an animal in the pictures.  It's helped with our nighttime routine, too; she runs to her room when she hears the word "book".
She still loves shoes and dancing, though her new form of "dancing" involves spinning until she falls down.  She's not a fan of having her hair done but will tolerate it once it's done.
At 16 months, there are still no consistent words other than "mommy" and "no" (which could mean "no" or "yes").  She is working on "bird", "dog", "book", and "Poppy".
Sleeping is much improved after Operation Cry It Out.  Some nights she will still cry for 20 minutes, but sometimes there is no crying.  So glad we stuck it out!
The morning nap is pretty much a thing of the past, unless she got up before 6:30.  Naps are also much improved since the CIO.
Poppy is still weighing in at 20ish lbs (25th %) and 32 inches (90th %); she wears 18-24 month tops and mostly 12 month pants.  Size 4.5-5 shoes and size 3 diapers.
This is such a fun age as she starts expressing her own personality!  Let me tell you, this girl will keep us on our toes!  We love you Poppy-girl!


Sara said...

What a sweetheart!

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