Friday, September 9, 2011

Poppy 3 months

I've been meaning to get this post up all week.  We've just been busy, or maybe I'm in denial that she is growing SO fast.  There are days when I just can't handle it!  I love watching her new facial expressions and hearing her laugh but miss the teeny, tiny, cuddly phase too!
We didn't go to the doc this month, so I don't know how much she weighs this month.  I know she's grown, though, since our 0-3 month clothes are definitely snug and short.  I really need to get out the boxes and hunt down the 3-6 month stuff.  After this package of size 1 diapers, we will be sizing up to size 2s. 
I have continued to dairy free diet this month, and it seems to be working.  I tried to add peanuts back in, but she started acting funny, so I quickly gave that up again.  We are also continuing her prevacid but have been able to cut back to nighttime only.  I really want to do a milk challenge, but, at the same time, I am afraid to do anything that could cause her pain and major fussiness.
Troy and I think Poppy may get some teeth this month.  The drool is increased and so has her interest in her hands.  It's so funny to watch her try to get them to her mouth.  She holds her arms out straight in front of her, focuses, and slowly brings them in until she gets one to her mouth!
Poppy has really been sleeping well the last few weeks.  She will go 8-11 hours between her bedtime feeding and "middle of the night" feeding.  We are still struggling with bedtime.  If she goes down before 7:45, she thinks she is taking a nap and wants to be up until 9 or 10.  It is slowly improving, though.  She's been sleeping until 8 or later most mornings.
And now, what you all really want to see are the new pics from this month. 
She has taken a great interest in her toys this month.  She loves to laugh and squeal at them.  She also started to bat at them but doesn't usually get it.
We've tried the bebe pod chair several times.  She doesn't mind it but usually ends up like this.
She does smile in it though!
A rare picture during tummy time.  I'm just not good at putting her down on her tummy.  She really liked that giraffe that day, though.
And what do Dad and Poppy do when Mommy's hosting a baby shower?