Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Lachlan is 2!

I can't believe how fast the last year has flown by!  Lachlan changes and learns so much each day that it's hard for me to keep up.  He is so verbal; almost as much as Jonas as this age.  He knows all his colors, 5 shapes, lots of animals with sounds and actions, and lots of body parts.  My favorite right now is that he calls his belly button his "beep" and, when asked what color it is, says "Naken (naked)".  Lachlan is also quite the ham; he's a funny guy and knows how to use that!  His memory amazes me; he can pick up almost any book in the house (and we have TONS), open it, and tell me what is happening on that page.
His best friend is Liam, but he gets along with most kids his age.  He is also a surprisingly good sharer, although he has recently started testing the waters of not sharing.  I know he is going to love preschool, which starts in September.
Some of his favorites right now: fruit (except strawberries), pizza, swinging, cars 2 characters, Mick Mouse, Wiggles, and, of course, his big brothers.  His favorite color is green.  He's also really into puzzles, dominoes, and playing cards.
As far as sleeping goes, he's right on track with where the others were.  2 hour nap each day and 12-13 hours a night.
At the doctor, he weighed in at 27lbs even and was 35 3/4 inches tall.
Here are our bday pictures.  We kicked the day off with a trip to the donut shop.  He loved the chocolate one he picked out and the free one they gave him.
 After donuts and a trip to the grocery, we opened presents.  He loved them all, but..
 these Apple Grove friends were by far his favorite.  Thanks Gigi! 
 There was no question that these green frog cupcakes would be a big hit.
 We had the Ingrams over for dinner since they were in town from Brazil.  Lachlan wasn't sure what to think about David and the portugese version of Happy Birthday.
 Loving the cupcake and still checking David out.
We love you Lachlan and can't wait to see how much you grow and learn this year!


Tara said...

Looks like a fun day! Love the frog cupcakes. Happy Belated birthday, Lachlan!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

love him on my lap with my hasd in his diaper rubbing his little pee pee, get it nice and hard for his birthday