Wednesday, February 16, 2011

An update on life...

Now that I'm finally finished with our Austrlia posts, I guess I should update what we've been up to since we got home.  The last 6 weeks have flown by and the camera has not seen much love...Troy has spent 2 weeks working with a client in Houston, which has made days long and tiring for me.  Thankfully, our church family jumped in to help out and give me a break when I needed.  We think Troy's home until mid-March and then may have to go again.
The week after we got back, we found out that baby #4 is a GIRL!  I've struggled through 3 name books and we're working (slowly) on narrowing down the name list.  It's been kind of stressful, honestly!  I went baby to the baby dr last week, and she's still measuring on the large side.  We'll do an ultrasound in early April and then make a tentative birth plan after that.  I took my gestational diabetes test early and passed, thank goodness.  I also gained 8 lbs last month to make up for my early weight loss.  There was a lot of junk food and stress eating while Troy was away!
Lachlan had his 18 month appt last week.  We also saw Dr. Gulde early in January, when we learned he had another ear infection and one his tubes fell out on our trip.  Let's hope we don't have to replace it!  Lachlan weighed in at 24lb 4oz (25th %), 33 1/4 inches long (75th %) and his head's in the 90th%.
Another big milestone at the Gibbins house is we started potty training Jonas.  Now, this journey has been very different from Reef.  Jonas is a much different guy and is VERY stubborn.  That being said, he's done amazingly well.  I was ready to throw in the towel on day 2, when he was still refusing to wear underwear at all!  Troy carried us through and we're pretty much trained during the day.  He doesn't like to be made to go and really doesn't go that often, but we haven't had an accident in almost 3 weeks.  Nights and naps will come later though; he's just not there yet...
Last week, Troy and I both had the flu and were miserable.  Luckily it hit us on different days, so he was over the REALLY bad day when it got me.  We suffered through and are enjoying getting back to normal this week...
Pictures of something soon, I promise.

1 comment:

Sara said...

Oh man, you are one busy girl!