Monday, August 2, 2010

A trip to the beach

Last weekend, we were lucky enough to spend the weekend at the beach with our friends with Bravenecs. They invited us last year too, and Reef has been asking for the last 11 months when we could go again. A boy after my own heart!
We skipped the last day of soccer camp and headed off around naptime on Friday, with the plan being that they would all sleep in the van. Apparently, that's not a good idea anymore because no one slept at all and Lachlan cried most of the way. It rained off and on the whole trip, but God smiled on us and, except for a few sprinkles, we had no rain during our beach time.
All the boys had a great time. Reef loved the sand and the water and constantly wanted to go "way out". Jonas was a little more fearful this year and didn't love the water. Lachlan's not ever a water-lover but he loves the sand, so he was happy.

Our annual feeding the sea gulls picture.

Reef and his best friend, Jonathan

While Lachlan napped on Saturday, the other boys went on the boat. They loved it, of course!

We all had a great time, and, of course, Reef's already asking when we can go again! Thanks Jonathan and Stephanie!

1 comment:

Sara said...

That looks like a lot of fun!