Thursday, July 8, 2010

Out of the mouth of...

Reef! He has been saying the cutest/funniest stuff lately as he learns more and more about God and Jesus.
While we were eating dinner one night while Troy was gone, I overheard Reef saying something to Jonas about "the big guy up there". I wasn't really paying attention (it had been a looong drive home) but this caught my ear.
Me: Who are you talking about?
R: You know, God and Jesus up there.
Me: Oh, yeah, what about him?
R: He's bigger than you, Mom. And stronger than Daddy. And faster than Ethan.
It was just so funny!

Last week, while driving to playgroup:
Reef and Jonas: Who made those trees over there?
Me: God did.
R: Well, what did Jesus get to make then?
Me: Umm. He helped God make the trees; they worked together.
He was happy with that answer, and then a few minutes later got on the topic of when he got to be with God and Jesus.
Me: When you die, you'll go to heaven to be with God and Jesus.
Reef, very adamantly: I don't have to die!!
Me: What do you mean?
R: They said in Sunday school that we don't have to die.
Me, after thinking about this: Well, when your body stops working here on earth, then you get to go to heaven to live with God.
Reef was happy with that answer but moved on to new concerns: What if I don't like the food in heaven? What if God wants me to eat spagetti?
I almost died laughing inside! Little minds are so funny, jumping from something serious to something not so serious in just seconds. I assured him that he would like all the food in heaven!


Claire & Eden said...

love it - Claire is concerned that there won't be toys in heaven =) She told Eden that the other day.

Josh, Kristin, Ethan, Isaiah, and Jacob said...

Oh my! I laughed out loud!! So funny! Ethan says the most surprising stuff about God and Jesus too. We've talked quite a bit about "when we die..". Love it!