Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Peach Picking

We kicked Memorial Day weekend off early with a trip to Marburger Orchard on Friday morning. I've really been looking forward to this since we haven't been since Reef was a baby. We had a good time, but, let me tell you, it was a lot harder with 3 kids than it was with just one! Troy started off with blackberry picking, which is hard because the vines are prickly, so the boys quickly grew tired of that. We had a quick lunch in the van while Troy topped off our box. Then we were ready for the fun stuff-peaches! The boys had a hard time not picking EVERY peach they could reach and thoroughly enjoyed taste testing them!

I forgot Lachlan's lunch, so he thought this peach was the best thing to ever happen to him. Pictures can't really capture his love.

Troy did most of the picking, so I was in charge of the kiddos.

Final count: 4.5 lbs of blackberries, over 100 peaches! Number of peaches eaten by Reef and Jonas that day: 4 each! And they still ask for at least 2 a day. At this rate, these peaches won't last long, and we're hoping to make one more trip before the season is over.

1 comment:

Kim said...

MMMMM Sounds like a yummy trip