This has been a particularly rough month for little Lachlan, since he was sick for ALL of December! Poor guy's been on 3 rounds of antibiotics for an ear infection that he just couldn't kick and had a bout of RSV! He seems to be all better now, though, so hopefully this month we will have a much happier baby on our hands.
Here's the monthly bear picture: He wasn't really in the mood so now smiles this time.
Here we are sporting the new clothes from Aunt Staci. Love them!
Practicing sitting up. He can do it all by himself for about 30 seconds now!

A rare smile during tummy time. He still hates this most of the time.
A rare smile during tummy time. He still hates this most of the time.
Things to remember about this month:
-You continue to be our happiest baby so far.
-You will allow anyone to hold you most of the time, although you did have your first episode of stranger anxiety the other day.
-Your favorite person is Reef. Whenever you see him, you start wiggling and kicking and waving your arms. You even cry if he leaves while you're playing with him!
-December was a very rough time with tummy time, I think because you did not feel good. We're getting back into the swing of things now and you're improving. You even used your arms to push up this week!
-Still no rolling over.
-Your sleep habits at night are really frustrating mommy. You go to sleep around 7:15 but wake up every 2 hours between 10 and 4. Usually you're just talking but it's very loud, so I have to come in to find your paci. I feel like a nomad wandering through the house all night and spend part of every night sleeping in your room. I always get disoriented if I wake up in my own bed in the morning!
-We are working on consolidating your morning nap into 1 long one instead of 2 short catnaps. -You nap with your brothers at 1ish most days, so that's very nice for mommy.
-You found your toes recently and are very fascinated by them. In fact, I think they are part of the reason you don't sleep well. We've even found you with your toes in your mouth!
-No teeth yet. I've been so sure that a tooth would pop through in the last month and even thought I felt one. But I was mistaken. We're seeing white dots, so maybe this month...
-You weigh about 17.5 lbs at 5 months old.
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