Tuesday, December 29, 2009

It just keeps getting better...

I say this sarcastically!
Today I had to take Lachlan back to the pediatrician. He's still coughing a lot, and we felt like he wasn't improving. Troy was at work, so it was me and the 3 boys again. We actually made it out of the house early (I thought I needed gas but Troy had filled it up for me! So thankful!) and braved the nasty weather. Lachlan was happily asleep in his car seat when he proceeded to cough so hard that he threw up all over himself and the car seat. Great! After cleaning up that mess, we were taken to a room.
Then Reef had to potty. I left Jonas in the room and gave the baby to the nurse while I took Reef. Of course, there was some kind of incident on the big potty that led to Reef's pants being peed on, and not just a little bit! Being without a spare pair of pants for him, led to Reef looking like this for the rest of the morning...

Now that you've stopped laughing and I've won the Mom of the Year Award from everyone who saw me today (it's freezing outside, by the way), I can give you the news about Lachlan. Dr. Gulde said he was still wheezing a ton and working to breathe (not good) and also still had the double ear infection (also not good). So, he sent us for a chest x-ray.
I could tell everyone at the xray place was wondering 2 things: why Reef had no pants and why I had to do this alone! All 3 boys did great. The nurse called me right away and said the xray showed a viral process, no pneumonia. Finally some good news! So, the plan is antibiotic #3 for the ears, nebulizer at least 4 times a day with an added steroid, plus an oral steroid. Wish us luck!


Clint, Amy, Kamryn and Madalyn said...

I'll be praying for you all! It happens to the best of us. Great photo by the way!

Josh, Kristin, Ethan, Isaiah, and Jacob said...

Oh darling!! I have to admit I was laughing...but only because I could hear your sarcastic voice in my head telling this story!! Ok, and because Reef had no pants...it sounds like something I've been through recently... Sorry to hear that Lachlan isn't improving...we will pray for a sick free house for you guys as well as us!! :)

Sara said...

Oh wow, you have your hands full! You are amazing to go through all that and still have a sense of humor. I pray Lachlan fully recovers this time and some rest for you.

Claire & Eden said...

Oh wow - yea, good luck and love that Reef had to go around without pants =) Claire is doing well with the nebulizer but decided to run a pretty high fever today and then had a poop accident - she was SO confused?! She said "Mom, I never do this!?" poor thing... Anyway, Eden is coughing today so I just made an appointment for the afternoon. Tis the season ... guess we should all stay away from each other huh! Hope things are going better over there for you guys.

Stacia said...

Okay, that really made me laugh about Reef. I'm feeling your pain with sick kids and hope everyone is doing better!