Sunday, August 16, 2009


Well, this past 10 days has brought many adjustments for the Gibbins family. In addition to getting used to having 3 kids at home, we are also enjoying a long visit from Troy's family. This has been a great blessing, as they have been handling ALL the cooking, dishes, and laundry for me. They are also spending lots of quality time with Reef and Jonas. Their visit has mainly been an adjustment for me, as I learn to let go of all control. We've definitely had some rough days when I've stressed out about things that I should not. After a day of relaxation provided by my fabulous hubby (pedicure and new haircut!), I think I'm ready to let go and hopefully things will go more smoothly from now on.
As far as the big boys' adjustment to Lachlan...They are doing so good! Because Lach still sleeps a lot, Reef and Jonas get really excited when he's awake. Jonas actually wants to hold him all the time, saying "Me hold. Me turn." Reef's not as into the holding part but does like to hold his hand and kiss him. Reef is also very interested in the umbilical cord, asking frequently, "Does he still have that belly button thing? Can I see it again?" Reef also likes to visit me while I am feeding Lachlan in my room. He's mostly interested in my chapsticks and hair clips, but it's nice to have him visit anyway.

Reef and Jonas have also adapted well to having Oma and Opa here and are enjoying all the spoiling they're getting! It's really helped to have the extra hands and keep them from feeling like Lachlan is getting all the attention. Yesterday, Oma and Opa treated us to a new bike trailer. Troy took the boys on their first ride yesterday and they love it! Reef hasn't taken his helmet off yet!

Lachlan has been such a good baby so far! After some worry from the on-call pediatrician about high bilirubin, Dr. Gulde, our pedi, has given us a clean bill of health. Lachlan's weight dropped down to 8lb 6oz, and we'll go back Tuesday for 1 more weight check. He hasn't required any of the bouncing the other 2 boys did; I hope I'm not jinxing myself! He doesn't really have a schedule yet, other than eating every 3 hours during the day. He's been sleeping very well at night, with me waking him every 3-4 hours to eat, and then he'll go right back to sleep in his bed. This is a big deal since the other boys never slept that great in the pack-n-play this early. When he is awake, Lachlan, is happy to just look around at what's going on and who's holding him. Overall, he's very content and laid back. Hopefully he stays that way!

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