Wednesday, July 15, 2009

36 week appointment

Well, my 36 week appointment on Monday was a little disappointing. I've had TONS of Braxton Hicks contractions and even some real ones, but wasn't dilated or effaced at all! This has never happened to me. I've always been at least a little dilated at this point with the other 2. It worries me that I won't be favorable for an induction. What will I do if I can't plan his arrival??? I'm just kidding about that since I would really like to go into labor on my own, but I was hoping that would be early!
I go in on Friday for an ultrasound to make sure he's not huge, since Jonas was huge, and then we will set a tentative induction date when I see the dr on Monday. Please pray for some progress because I really want him to come before John and Daphne get here, so that I can take advantage of all that help as much as possible!
I'm not sure if you noticed but I haven't called the baby by name at all in this post....well, that's because Troy's decided he's not sold on Lachlan (he did this with Reef's original name too, remember...). So our new name option is Kai...Votes and opinions welcome as we struggle to pick out a name for this guy!


Tara said...

Sorry to hear no progress yet! Looking forward to hearing how the ultrasound goes.

I like both Lachlan and Kai...sorry that is not much help

Hope you are staying cool in this heat!

Claire & Eden said...

I must have missed the name discussion earlier today! I like Both but if I had to like one over the other, I think I like Lachlan. As a teacher, I wouldn't know how to pronounce Kai from my roll sheet and I'd probably think it was a girl's name. Of course that goes for a TON of names (Eden is mistaken as a boy's name all the time already). Both a cute!

Praying that he will come early but not too early! you want him to get strong with everyday. They wanted me to get to 37 so I guess after that would be good =)

Kim said...

Oh the waiting game, it's so frustrating isn't it? I actually like Kia better then Lachlan, but that's just my two cents. Good luck deciding on a name. It took us or I should say me right up until we left the hospital before we named Riley. It's so hard to name 3 kids of the same sex.