Wednesday, July 14, 2010

4th of July weekend

We were really lucky this year because Troy got 4 whole days off for the 4th of July weekend. This was especially nice since it was right after he got back from Brazil, and we needed to the time to re-connect as a family. Friday and Saturday were pretty low key for us.
We did this craft from Notimeforflashcards. It didn't turn out exactly like I planned but the kids enjoyed it, and Troy got the rare opportunity to join us.

We even let Lachlan get in on the action. His "paint" is colored yogurt.

Saturday afternoon, we were joined by Taylor and Jacob. Let me just take a minute to brag on my sister. I'm sure it's really hard being a single mom, and things haven't always been easy for her, but Taylor is really making a lot of positive changes for herself and Jacob. Troy and I are really proud of the effort she's making in school and the positive attitude changes that we've noticed lately. We love you, Meefer!
Anyway, we spent Saturday afternoon and Sunday afternoon hanging around the house and enjoyed church on Sunday morning. The boys all played really nicely together; it's so nice for them to have a cousin to play with.
On Monday, we decided to brave the zoo since we could all go for free with our season pass. In the summer, the zoo opens at 7:30 for members, so our goal was to get there before the regular hours. The effort was worth it because we beat the heat and some of the crowds.
Of course, we had to take our usual picture at the lions..

And the Komodo dragon.

One of the highlights of the trip (that, of course, I have no pictures of) was seeing the hippos right after their tank was cleaned. We were in there when they released the hippos back into the pen/tank, so we got to see them crawl into the water and swim around a lot. The time is at 10 everyday, so you should definitely check it out.
We rounded out the morning with a trip to the beach area, which is always a favorite.

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