Thursday, July 8, 2010

11 months

I know I say this every month, but I can't believe this guy is already 11 months old. In less than a month, my baby will be 1 year old! This past month has brought many changes, and he's been growing by leaps and bounds! I haven't done well taking pictures but here are a few from the last couple of days.
In his new favorite chair. I have to watch him because he'll climb into the chair, stand up, and try to get down over the side. I see a face plant in our future.

Opening cabinets is Lachlan's favorite activity. He's also really into his brothers' hot wheels cars right now too.

A look of mischief while exploring my bathroom.

Things to remember:
-In the last month, Lachlan's really increased his table foods. He eats almost any thing I put in front of him. I'm pretty sure we'll say good bye to all baby food by his first birthday.
-He still naps twice a day; 9-10:30 and 1-2:45; and sleeps from 7-7 most nights.
-Lachlan became very verbal during those 2 weeks Troy was away and babbles A LOT. Troy thinks he's our loudest child yet.
-I love how easy it is to put him to bed right now. Just a quick feeding and drop him in the bed. Hope that sticks!
-The biggest milestone of the month-walking! We knew he was close before Troy left but he only took one step while Troy was in Brazil. But the afternoon we picked Troy up from the airport, he took 9 steps! Guess he was just waiting for Daddy. He still crawls about 70% of the time but is getting braver about trying to get there walking first.
-I love that whenever Lachlan hears someone laughing, he laughs too, like he knows exactly what we're talking about.
-I'm pretty sure the dreaded separation anxiety is setting in. He definitely notices and protests when I leave the room and has to started to fuss a little bit when I drop him off at the nursery. Hopefully it doesn't last long!
-We've started the weaning process with some success. He doesn't mind the whole milk; I just think he doesn't like the vessel it's coming from. I think we've finally found a cup he likes, so hopefully he'll get the hang of it.

1 comment:

Sara said...

He's getting so big!