So, May 3 was Reef's real birthday. It's REALLY hard for me to believe that he's 4! I still vividly remember going to the hospital to have him and pushing for 2 hours!
We kicked the birthday morning off with a special breakfast: homemade pop tarts with chocolate on top. He was excited about these since he asks for chocolate pop tarts EVERY time we go grocery shopping. He said they were good but that we should still buy some all chocolate ones from the store.
The thing Reef was most excited about on his birthday-giving out birthday treats to ALL of his friends at preschool. So sweet that he wanted to share! Inspired by and my friend Jenny, I decided to attempt cake pops. They were a lot of work but turned out cute and are the perfect size for little guys.
After a fun day at preschool, Reef got to pick his perfect birthday dinner. He went with hamburgers, and we invited the Dyes to join us since Mommy needed some friend time too.
Reef's been really into the teeny tiny legos and fire trucks forever now, so what better gift than a teeny tiny lego fire truck! I don't think he was even expecting a gift, so he was very excited! Now we just have to keep all the pieces picked up so Lachlan doesn't eat them!
Things to remember about Reef right now:
-Favorite food: peanut butter and honey sandwich. He wants this every day for lunch and gets a little stressed if we have something else.
-While he definitely has his favorite foods, he'll pretty much anything we ask him too. I'm very thankful for this.
-He also has a few dislikes too, though: bananas, tomatoes, pasta.
-We are truly blessed by how well-behaved he is. For the most part, he does what we ask him on the first (okay, maybe second) time. He can also be trusted to wait to eat his dessert after his food even if they're on the same plate.
-In the last few weeks, the tantrums have decreased, thank goodness.
-Reef is very much a perfectionist, and it makes him anxious when things aren't just right. This can cause some problems with 2 little brothers around.
-Reef LOVES Lachlan.
-Most of the time, he loves playing with Jonas too, especially when he can be in charge.
-He is very loving, always telling me that he loves me or likes my clothes!
-When he grows up, Reef wants to be a fireman, mailman, truck driver, AND a daddy (with Leyna). He never takes things off the list, just adds more that he'll be at the same time!
Can't wait to see what the next year brings!
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