Monday, July 20, 2009

Mom's Night Out

Friday night my AMAZING friends surprised with a mom's night out/diaper shower! I cannot tell you how shocked I was!
I had been planning an ice cream trip with Melynda for Friday that I had to postpone because Troy had a meeting to go to. Since I was stuck at home, Rachel said she was coming to hang out with me. Right after I got the boys in bed, Melynda showed up with decorations for Tara's shower that we were hosting on Saturday. After she unloaded her box, she announced that I was leaving with her! I looked at her like she was crazy and was, like, "I have Rachel over..." and Melynda said, "Rachel is your babysitter!" She was in on the surprise too! Good thing I hadn't changed into my pajamas yet!
Then Melynda whisked me off to Maggiano's for yummy desserts. I was even more surprised to see how many friends had come out to celebrate with me! I didn't have my camera but I'll post pics when Amy emails them to me.


Claire & Eden said...

I'll send you some of the pics I got too! we just got home from Houston and exhausted so I'll try to send them tomorrow. So glad you have a date to look forward too

Kim said...

How fun! You gotta love friends :)