Monday, July 20, 2009

July Fun

As I scrolled through my blog today, I realized that I am way behind on posting pictures. I guess I haven't been taking many lately, but we have been having lots of fun!
Troy's latest invention was putting our big slide into the old pool after making some repairs with duct tape. Jonas was a little afraid to go down by himself, Reef volunteered to "catch" him.

The fun came to an end when Reef put his foot through the pool! He's very proud of this!

I haven't had much energy for outside stuff lately, but I think part of my "nesting" this time involves arts and crafts. We spent a week talking about God creating the Earth in 7 days and doing a craft to go with it.

Here, they are each displaying their favorite craft of the week. Reef's favorite part of craft time is the gluing, I think, while Jonas' is definitely anything involving stickers. Right now we're working on Noah's Ark, so I'll post some pictures when we're done.

Why a 3 year old should NOT be allowed to add his own bubbles to the bath....

A new backyard friend, Mommy bat with 3 babies. She only stayed 1 day but the boys enjoyed checking on her throughout that day.

Other fun things we've been up to include weekly free movies, vacation Bible school for Reef, Sea World, and enjoying time with Troy when he's not working.
Things to remember about this month:
-Reef is very loving these days and tells us many times a day, "I love you, my mommy/daddy." So sweet!
-Jonas is rapidly becoming a daddy's boy and usually prefers Troy to me. This will be good, I think, when the baby comes.
-Jonas is cutting his 2 year molars right now. A little early but we're hoping the worst is past by the time the baby comes.
-Reef is working a lot on fine motor skills right now. He's getting a lot better at coloring in the lines. He's also really into puzzles.

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