Monday, July 20, 2009

AUGUST 3....

is the big day! I went for my 37 week appointment today and made some progress from last week, so we were able to schedule my induction. I am now 1cm, 50% effaced, and have dropped some from last week. She said he looked good on the ultrasound and was only in the 84th percentile, so he should be smaller than Jonas was. So, baby is scheduled to arrive August 3 unless he surprises us! I'll be 39 weeks, so this will be my longest pregnancy yet! I am still hoping/praying he comes on his own before then!


Tara said...

So exciting! I've been checking for this update all day:-)

Can't wait to meet your little guy.

Kim said...

YAY! Can't wait to meet Gibbins #3!

Claire & Eden said...

I'll try to get some pics to you tonight! It's been tricky with the computer down so we'll see. We're venturing out to SW this afternoon to do some water park