Thursday, April 23, 2009


Just some random stories from today...
-Every night before bed, Reef is supposed to use his inhaler, which is orange, with a spacer tube that kind of looks like an elephant trunk, and a nose spray. Well, the inhaler is currently empty until we can get a refill. Tonight, he tells Troy, "We definitely can't use the orange trunk thing, just the snotter." Who do you think he got that from???

-Reef had to go to time out this afternoon and was crying in the corner. Jonas is in a "I must copy Reef" phase, so he walked over, sat down, and started really crying. What a sight they were! Troy and I tried really hard to stifle our laughter!

-Current favorite toy: a box house/car made by Oma last time she was here. It's seriously the only toy they've played with the last 2 days! This afternoon, they were policemen having a snack, with Jonas feeding Reef "bites" of pretend chips.

-Every morning at breakfast, Reef points to the pile of mail on the table (which he knows includes a bday card and gift) and says, "I can't open those until my birthday. Is it my birthday yet?" Today he was actually upset with me because I took a bill out of "his" stack and opened it before his birthday.

-I took Jonas to the zoo today while Reef was a preschool. His favorite thing: water. He did not care about the animals but pointed any kind of water in every exibit! When he did notice the animals, his favorites were a pair of crested pheasants that he chased back and forth, yelling "Hi!" and Samson the goat.

-Since moving to his new room, Jonas has willingly cut his paci usage to his bed only. I guess he got used to seeing Reef put his on the bookshelf before leaving the room so now Jonas does that everytime too. Thank goodness!

New pictures next week...I promise!

1 comment:

Kim said...

Kids are so funny! Does Reef have asthma?