Tuesday, April 21, 2009


Last weekend was one of big changes for our boys. We planned on moving Jonas to the current guest room so that the baby can have the back room. I discussed it with Reef and he said we should paint Jonas' new room black. After convincin him this was not a good idea, he decided blue would be a good color but he wanted a blue room too. I told him we were only painting one room, so he decided that he should move to that room.
Well, Friday, Troy brought home the paint samples and we let Reef pick his blue. Troy also picked up a twin bed for Reef's new room. After a quick trip to Home Depot, Troy was ready to paint. He was super fast and got the whole room done Friday night! Reef was so excited to see his blue room in the morning! Troy took the boys to Target to pick out sheets and a blanket for the new bed. After much debate, Reef settled on blue robot sheets and a Cars blanket. I prefer these choices to the alternatives of Spongebob and Dora!
Troy spent Saturday afternoon moving the guest bed down the hall, moving Reef's bed in, and moving clothes all over the house! The new bed was loved by all, especially for jumping! Our first night in new rooms was a little rough. Reef was enthralled by the new-ness of everything and also wanted to try to sleep without a paci! It only lasted an hour and a half before he wanted it back. We gave in but emphasized that, after his birthday, the paci would be gone!
Sunday night was another rough one for Reef because he fell out of his new bed twice. So, Monday we invested in a rail. Little did I know that it was a "deluxe" rail that included cup and nightlight. He was told that any playing with those things would result in Mommy taking them away. He did great and finally got a good night's sleep again! He woke up like a different kid today. Thank goodness the whining is gone for now!

1 comment:

Kim said...

I have some rooms I want painted, does Troy want to come do those?? ;)