Monday, April 14, 2014

Burkina Trip, part 8: Land

When we finished at the well, we headed out to look at some land.  This land on the hill was given to the Dano team for an orphanage.  The plans are still being worked on, but the facility will look more like a transitional living center than an orphanage.  The goal isn't to take children out of families but to equip families to take care of children.  Oh, it's so exciting to see what's going to happen!
After a very full 24 hours of seeing the sights and a quick lunch, we were in the truck again!  This time we were headed back to Ouaga for our final night in Burkina.  It was hard to believe we'd done so much in just 6 short days!

1 comment:

Burkina Team said...

I'm getting sad all over again as the blog posts are getting to the end of the trip. Great job documenting an incredible week!