Friday, April 5, 2013

Preschool Program 2013

March brought extreme busy-ness to the Gibbins house!  ISD party, Ladies Retreat, Survivor, Kite fest, Tulsa Workshop, and Easter all in one month! So, that's my excuse for being over a month behind on the blog!
Since there are no pictures of the party or ladies retreat, I'll start with the week Troy was gone for Survivor.  That Thursday was Lachlan and Jonas's school program.  They went with a spring program because of our church move in May.
They both did great during the group songs.
 Lachlan hung in there for the first part of his class's song...
 Then added his own moves...
 ... He wrapped up his performance by scratching his bum on the way off stage!
Jonas did his songs exactly by the book!
 Afterward, they enjoyed snacks in the hallway with Rachel and Larkin, who were kind enough to join us.  They boys were excited to see them in the audience!

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