Thursday, March 8, 2012

Poppy 9 months

I was a bad parent in the last month.  I got the camera out to upload the pictures and there were....wait for it...8.  That's it.  I so wish I had the ability to snap pictures all the time; I think about it and the camera's nowhere to be found, or I miss the moment altogether.
This month was rough for Poppy (and her mommy).  She had an ear infection for pretty much the whole month and was on 2 rounds of antibiotics.  This of course led one fussy girl and not much sleep.
Aside from the ear infections, she was pretty happy.  She started waving a very princess-like wave and even says "Bye bye" sometimes.  She is also saying "mama".  This is the only child that has said "mama" before "dada".
She has dropped her 3rd evening nap.  She usually sleeps an hour in the morning, 2 in the afternoon, and 12-14 hours at night.  On a good night, she wakes for one feeding between 3 and 4:30.  On a rough night, it's twice for feedings.  Dr. Gulde said it might be time for some tough love since we know her ears are clear right now. 
She is nursing every 3-4 hours during the day and eating baby food 3 times a day.  We've also started introducing some soft table foods.  She LOVES peaches and also likes blackberries, raspberries, blueberries, and tortillas.
At the pediatrician, Poppy weighed in at 19lbs (50th %) and was 29 inches long (90th %).  Her head is also in the 90th percentile.
Poppy is up to 6 teeth: 4 on top and 2 on bottom.  Hers have come in a very different order than the boys' did.
She LOVES to be outside and to run errands.  If she's fussy, I can almost always fix it with a walk, a few minutes playing outside, or a trip to the store.
The big news from this month is that this girl is on the move!  She is up on all fours and crawling fast these days.  It's definitely keeping me on my toes, as I try to keep up with her and keep small things (rocks, crumbs, leaves, lint, legos) out of her mouth.
Here are the few pictures I did snap this month:

 In the last 2 days, she has been all about pulling up.  She loves to look out this window.

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