Monday, November 8, 2010

Lachlan-15 months

I know when this gets published the date will say something much closer to the 5th than it's actually getting done. Blogging just hasn't been a priority around here these days...can't imagine why...
So, Lachlan is 15 months old. At his appointment, he weighed 22 1/2 lbs (25th %) and was 32 inches long (75th%). His head is still huge in the 90th %! I'm surprised he's only 22 lbs. He's our "skinniest" baby yet and is wearing clothes Reef was wearing at 9 months!
His schedule is still pretty much the same, although we are beginning to phase out the morning nap. I have mixed feelings about this since I do love the morning nap on preschool days. But it will make getting errands done much easier.
We've kind of entered a more picky phase in eating. Unfortunately, it looks like he's taking after Jonas more than Reef. Pretty much all vegetables are a "no" these days, and some times he's not a big meat eater either. The only thing he liked on Thanksgiving was the cranberry sauce! He still loves fruit and cheese.
This month has brought at least 3 more teeth (1 bottom front and 2 top molars). I think the bottom molars may be joining us soon too. I was beginning to wonder if more teeth would ever come!
Lachlan is also becoming a lot more verbal this month. Word include: mommy, dada, dog (with barking), cat, baa (sheep), roar (lion, bear, anything he thinks makes that noise), no, ball, bike, milk, book, raffe (giraffe), vroom...
We've been working (sporadically, I admit) on pointing to body parts. So far we've got nose, head/hair, and belly button down. Those are the important ones, right?
Picture taking has been pitiful this month, but this one pretty much sums it up. Lachlan has been to the dr 3 times in 3 weeks. He had upper respiratory junk, which led to wheezing. This earned up 15 minute nebulizer treatments twice a day-all month and January when we get back! This is not so fun with a 15 month old, but he handles it well and it gives him a chance to look at his favorite books (Brown bear, brown bear and My little work book). Last week, in addition to the coughing and green snot, I noticed green stuff coming from his ear too. He has his first ear infection since getting tubes done, and this better be the last!

Enjoying a cupcake at Jonas' party.

This month also brought out first hair cut. He looks calm here, but he was NOT a fan. It's much shorter and looks pretty cute, but probably could have been a little more precise. A good mom would have an after picture...but I don't...

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