Thursday, November 4, 2010

Halloween Festivities

Halloween week was a fun-filled one, packed full of dress up fun. Our boys (and the Zimmer boys) were Brazilian soccer players this year since Dad brought back matching outfits from his trip this summer.
We kicked it off with our annual Life Group Halloween party. This is the best group shot I got; we're missing Shaun and Ethan but I think I got everyone else. This was probably our easiest group shot yet.

After group pictures and dinner, we headed outside for some fun games.

Reef was all about the donut eating contest. I love it when he joins in on games since it's kind of out of character for him.

Then the adults got in on the action.

Later in the week, we had our playgroup Halloween party. We've been doing this since Reef was a baby and there were only 5 of them. Now they can all move and it's wild! There were WAY more meltdowns during this picture, so this is the best I got...

The Friday before Halloween, our church hosted trunk or treat. We've tried it every year, and, I must admit, this isn't my favorite Halloween festivity. It gets dark early and it's hard to keep up with all the kiddos. They don't really love it either...I know there aren't any pictures, but Jacob and Aunt Taylor were here to celebrate with us.
As you can see, Reef and Jonas decided to change soccer outfits...

On the 30th, we took a break from costumes and candy to spend the morning at Morgan's Wonderland with our good friends, the Dyes. We were so excited for Taylor to finally get to check it out!
Reef and Jude with Mark on the see saw.

All 5 boys LOVED the roller slides! Might need one in the backyard...

Cousins in a jeep!

Reef and Lachlan driving the jeep....This is always a highlight, and we got 4 separate jeeps so everyone could be the driver!

Troy gives Jonas a hand scooping the sand. They spent the most time here!

Jacob and Reef playing the chimes.

Jacob and Aunt Taylor fishing. He got bored with it before he got the fish, though!

For actual Halloween, Troy and I were in DC (more on that later), so the our dear friends the Chapmans stayed with the boys and took them trick or treating.
Here are my big boys waiting to hit the road. There was a costume mix up, so Jonas is actually wearing Lachlan's outfit!

Lachlan and Liam rode in style.

After an outfit change, the brothers were ready to go!
Whew! I'm tired just re-living that week! It was fun but I'm glad we have a whole year before we do it again!


Sara said...

LOVE the donut contest pics! As if I wasn't homesick for Texas just put me over the edge!

Tara said...

Looks like so much fun!