At 9 months, we visited the pediatrician for a check up and shots. He was 19lbs 2 oz (25th %) and 29 3/4 inches (90th %). I think the weight was a little low because he didn't eat much that week battling a sinus infection. Don't worry, though; he's really chunked up this last month!
9 months brought lots of milestones, including the army crawl and pulling up, and those videos are posted below. I loved the army crawl! The other boys never did that one! It also brought sleeping through the night, finally! I am feeling much more rested without that 3am feeding.
Ten months is also promising to be an exciting month, with lots of cruising and an increase in table foods. We're anticipating walking very soon; Troy hopes to see those first steps before he leaves for Brazil.
Here's what I want to remember about 10 months:
-Finally, we're sleeping through the night! You still wake up once for a pacifier fix most nights but go right back to sleep after that until 7 or 7:30 usually.
-Bedtime is still a breeze. All it takes is changing into PJs and a quick feeding, and then you're off to dreamland.
-You love your food! At lunch you eat 8 oz of baby food plus finger foods and at dinner, it's 10oz!
-You're really starting to love feeding yourself, and that's a big thing for this month. We're getting braver at sharing whatever we're eating with you, and you love it!
-With this new eating, I need to be more careful about food getting dropped on the floor. If it's found, it WILL get eaten!
-Favorite toys right now: ball popper (and anything that fits in it), ping pong balls (you love the way they bounce), the train table.
-You still love those big brothers of yours. When it's time to get them up in the morning, you start squealing and kicking your legs. It's so cute.
-You've really started cruising a lot this month and even let go and thought about taking steps on your own. Any day now...
-We've started bathing you in the big tub with your brothers. You're not a big fan of the bath in general so it's usually a pretty quick affair. It's tough to get you washed since you insist on standing the whole time and frequently try to climb out.
We're excited to see what comes next!
I've been really bad with pics lately but here are a few...
A rare sitting, smiling in the bath.
Three boys playing chase around the chair. It's a new favorite game.
Spagetti for dinner. It was love at first taste!
I LOVE the spaghetti picture. He is growing up so fast, seems like just yesterday we were at the NEON Christmas party...and I was hearing of your expected addition:-)
LOVE the fourth picture! What a sweetie =) Praying for you guys and for Troy's trip!
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