I know I'm way behind but better late than never! The last 2 months have really flown by, with Lachlan (and the other boys too) growing and changing each day. We visited Dr. Gulde on the 5th for our well child check and shots. Lachlan weighed in at 13lbs 11oz (80th percentile) and was 24 7/8 inches long (95th %). Overall, he's pretty healthy. Dr. Gulde detected a very minor heart murmur that we're going to keep an eye on. He is a little concerned about his eye crossing, and if it's not better next month, we may have to patch the right eye to strengthen the left. Since the appt, we have seen some improvement, so hopefully he'll be all clear by November.
Things to remember about 2 months:
-You really have become very smiley, especially in the mornings. Sometimes you're so busy smiling at me that you can't focus on eating!
-You're still eating every 3 hours during the day but gradually increasing your night time sleeping.
-We haven't done a very good job getting you on a schedule yet. It's hard with 2 brothers to chase after! The only really consistent thing right now is your wake up time around 7 and bedtime between 8 and 8:30. I am looking forward to an earlier bedtime soon though!
-Your brothers love you lots and you love to be entertained by them. I've especially loved the few times when Reef has "read" books to you.
Here are Lachlan's 2 months photos with his bear. I know I'm late posting them, but they really were taken on the 5th. You can really see the crossed eye in these!