Monday, June 22, 2009

Pregnancy rant

No pictures in this one. Just need to rant a little about how this pregnancy has been sooo much less fun than the last two! I'm sure it has a lot to do with the extreme heat this summer and chasing two little boys around!
So far in this pregnancy, I've had 3 occasions where I had to or thought I would have to call the doctor after hours.
1. When I fell at the grocery store, carrying Jonas and a gallon of milk! I knew I was fine but just needed to hear the doctor say it too! Luckily, it was the partner who goes to our church, so she didn't laugh at me too much! On a funny note, when the answering service returned my call, the caller ID came up as EZ Psychics! I almost didn't answer!
2. Last Wednesday at church, I started having this burning epigastric (upper abdominal) pain that came and went every 3 minutes for several hours. I was pretty sure I wasn't having contractions but the longer it went on the less sure I got. The pain finally went away around 4am. Pretty sure it was caused by the iron pills I started that day, so I haven't taken any more of those!
3. At my mom's house on Saturday, I started having this severe stretching/tearing pain around my belly button. I've had it before but it usually goes away after a few minutes. This hurt a lot more and lasted much longer. About the time I was getting ready to call the doctor though, it suddenly went away. Who knows what that was all about?
On top of these weird things, there's all the "normal" pregnancy woes too...swelling, reflux, varicose veins (yuck!), no sleep, weight gain (although I did lose 3 pounds at my last visit, yay!)....I'm sooo ready for Lachlan to be here, so we can move on from this phase! I'll have to re-visit this post if ever I miss being pregnant!
Coming soon...our weekend trip to Gigi's house...but not tonight because I'm too lazy to upload the pics.

1 comment:

Tara said...

Just wanted to say hang in there--almost to the finish line!

Take care!