Friday, June 5, 2009

Doctors for everyone!

May/early June has been a busy time in the doctor's office for the Gibbins family!
Lauren had 2 appointments with her OB in May. Lachlan is growing right on target and things are looking good, despite a MASSIVE weight gain on my part. I did fail my 1 hour glucose screening and had to do the 3 hour fasting test earlier this week, but I passed with flying colors, so no gestational diabetes for me! Yay! I have another appt on Tuesday, where I'm hoping to discuss the possibility of induction and see some much better numbers on the scale.

Reef had his 3 year appointment with the pediatrician and was happy there were no shots! He weighed in at 34 lbs (75th %) and was 36 inches tall (40th %). His least favorite part of the visit was the blood pressure cuff.

Jonas had his 18 month appointment the same day as Reef's. He, unfortunately, did get one shot but didn't cry too much. He weighed in at 25.5 lbs (60th %), was 33 inches long (75th %), and has a head circumference in the 96th %! I discussed allergy testing with the doctor, and he ordered a RAST test. So I had to take poor Jonas to get his blood drawn, which he handled like a champ. No crying at all! The test came back negative, and we have slowly added strawberries and nuts back into his diet. All has been tolerated well except peanut butter, which led to some vomiting the day after. So he may not be "allergic" (though my GI dr says peanuts often don't test positive until age 2) but he definitely sensitive to peanuts.

Troy visited with the eye doctor last week when he suddenly couldn't see out of his right eye because it was hurting so much. This has happened on at least 2 other occasions. Turns out he has a sensitivity to the staph bacteria that we all have living in our eyes, and it was causing ulcers. Antibiotic eye drops fixed him up quickly. Troy was also tested for glaucoma and passed with flying colors. I'm jealous of his perfect vision!

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