Thursday, October 23, 2008

Catching up

It's been a pretty hectic month at the Gibbins house since our cruise. I know, I know, I'm going to have to find a new excuse soon! Troy's dad left Oct 9, but we got to keep his mom another 10 days. It was really good to have the extra hands, and the boys loved having her here! It was especially nice since Troy went to Nebraska for 5 days. I don't know how single moms do this! After Troy's trip to Nebraska, I zipped off for a weekend camping trip with my Neon girls (another post about that later). This week has been an adjustment for everyone as we get used to our routines again. Hopefully, this month will be much calmer! Here's some pics of the last month.
Reef had a holiday on Columbus Day, so we went to the Children's museum with Oma. It was a lot of fun, but probably better to go on a non-holiday. It was very crowded with field trips from daycare centers.
First, Reef drove the trolley.

Then, we did some shopping in the HEB market. This place was really great, and Reef loved pushing the cart, picking out his groceries, and checking out.

Then we milked Alamoo. Reef told Troy, "I milked water into the bucket!" but was a little confused about milk coming from cows since he saw only water come out.

Jonas really liked brushing these big teeth. No cavities for this boy!
My mom and Grandma came for the church's baby blessing and stayed at a hotel with an indoor pool. The boys loved swimming in the warm water and did not want to leave!

Reef went under with Daddy and didn't even cry.

I couldn't resist some swimming lessons with Jonas. Once a swim teacher, always a swim teacher!

Before the cold weather comes, we had one last run in the sprinkler. Jonas really enjoyed it and wants to turn it on every time we go outside now.

Reef got in on the action too but didn't love it nearly as much as Jonas does.

While I was camping, this is what dinnertime looked like...

And finally, yesterday was costume day at playgroup. This is our third annual Halloween photo shoot. It seems like just yesterday we lined up all the babies on the floor and they just laid there for pictures since they couldn't move yet. Things have sure changed!
This is the best shot from inside. Jonas is missing because he would not stay on the couch. On the couch, Jayden (witch), Leyna (raggedy ann), Ayden (Dorothy), Colby (tin man), Ethan (scarecrow), Isaiah (cowardly lion), and Reef (yellow wiggle). Reef was not very thrilled to have Isaiah next to him. On the floor, Kamryn (fairy), Rylan (horse), Zach (Elmo)

We moved the photo shoot outside, hoping for better luck. Rylan, Jonas, and Colby were still not enjoying the pictures, but we did get a good shot of the the 2 year olds.

Then a plane flew by and really caught their attention!
Whew! Thanks for sticking with me. I'll try to be more regular from now on.


Jennifer said...

I didn't know that you were a swim coach. I'll have to hire you next summer!

I love the pictures from playgroup, especially the one with the kids looking at the plane. Can you e-mail it to me?

Kim said...

You have been busy and having fun! I wish we would have known Troy was up here, we would have loved to seen him or at least said HI.
The airplane picture was really cute, I love the look on all their faces.

Lauren said...

I tried to get him to call you guys but he was really busy. It's a yearly meeting, so we may all come next October. It would be great to get together!