Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Family visits in January

In January, both my dad and my mom came to visit! 
My dad (Mr. Jerry) came just afer New Years.  The kids were so excited to see him and show off all their toys.  We celebrated his visit with a trip to Fuddruckers, my favorite restaurant as a little girl.  Only Reef shares my love of the cheese sauce, though!  My dad brought Poppy my cabbage patch doll from 25 years ago; she was in love!  Lachlan was pretty sick while Mr. Jerry was here and even fell asleep at the restaurant!  This is the first time he's stayed the night, and we all enjoyed the extended visit.
A couple weeks later, Gigi and Mr. Don came to town!  The kids are always excited to see them.  The boys lured Mr. Don into the lego room and we weren't sure he would ever make it out.  We spent Saturday hanging out, eating at Chick Fil A, and, of course, reading books!
I was so thankful they all got to visit!  Hopefully we'll be seeing Aunt Taylor and Grandma soon, too!

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Subhash said...
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