Lachlan is in Ms. Roberta’s class this year. It is no surprise that he loves every minute since he is in class with his 2 besties.
For homework, he had to decorate an L. He went with a Spiderman theme and did all the work on his own.
Because you can’t have the camera out and not take her picture…
Poppy had to decorate a person for Ms. Coco’s class. This was my first year making this little person a girl! She was very proud of her work, but we had to hide if from her since the beads kept disappearing…
First day of preschool: Dress courtesy of Ms. Linda. Hair courtesy of Erin. Could this child be any cuter?!?
The best I could get from Lachlan. He was WAY to excited about the first day to slow down for a picture.
Poppy and Ms. Coco. Don’t let that semi-smile fool you; there were tears on day 1 as she didn’t have any friends in her class. It was tough to leave her crying, but she made friends quickly!