Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Family Retreat 2012

Can I tell you how long I've been working on this post?  2 weeks and 4 attempts at uploading the pictures!  But I think we're all set now...
In mid-October, we headed to HEB Camp for Northside's annual family retreat.  With such a busy October and Troy being in Nebraska the whole week before, we debated whether we should go this year.  Obviously, we decided to go, and, as always, it was worth it!  The kids love getting to spend the whole weekend outdoors with their friends.  I love getting to spend time with our church family and the much-needed break from all our "stuff."  While I hear "I'm bored" at least once a day at home when surrounded by toys, never once did I hear it at the retreat.
A highlight of the weekend is always the canoeing.  Lachlan raced down to be first with Liam.
Reef and Jonas got wind of it and hurried down for their turn.  Let me tell you, Poppy was not thrilled that she didn't get a turn!
In the afternoon, we headed out on a group hike.  Look at all those babies.  Josh loves taking pictures with the girls!
It was a long way up.
Such good friends.

A rare picture of Mommy. 
 We couldn't believe how curly Poppy's hair was!   She did amazingly well while we were out there.  After no nap on Friday and an early wake up on Saturday, she took a LONG nap Saturday and slept great that night.  We were thankful (and so were our roommates, the Hills).
 Saturday night talent show.
 The boys were picked to do a puzzle race.  They worked hard but didn't win.
 Poppy thought she was the star of the show.  She could NOT be contained to her seat and continually tried to join the singers.  She's dancing in this picture.  And obviously enjoyed Barry and Curt's company more than mine.
 Best friends.
That pretty much sums up our weekend.  We loved being outdoors, fellowhipping and praising.  We loved watching our kids deepen relationships.  We loved staying up late and playing games in the dark.  We are so thankful for this church and this opportunity to get away.
We were not so thankful for the 5 loads of laundry that were done Sunday afternooon :)

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