Friday, September 21, 2012

Random Summer fun

As summer drew to an end, I tried to do better about taking pictures of our summer happenings.
We spent a lot of time swimming at John and Babette's this summer.  What a blessing they are to us!
Jonas and Reef have really taken off in their swimming.  Reef is improving on his freestyle and backstroke and is teaching himself the butterfly!
Jonas lacks Reef's confidence but can swim about halfway across the pool!
 Lachlan has mastered swimming on his own in his puddle jumper.  He still hates to get his head wet and won't jump off the side, but still...See Poppy in the background.  She can't wait until she's big enough for a puddle jumper!
 Another summer fave was jumping on the trampoline with the sprinkler on.
 He got bored with it and enjoyed the water table instead.
 This girl won't let her Sunday clothes keep her from getting dirty!  She loves to point!
 Hunting for acorns.
 Running down the slide.
 Caught stealing Cheerios.  She was very proud of herself.
 And then this happened!
Notice the one shoe.  She loves shoes but can't always be bothered to find both!  This a frequent sighting at our house.
 How many Gibbins can you fit in the Big Red Car?  They were determined to get a picture of everyone together!
We had a blast this summer, and at times were way too busy for my taste!  While we are sad to see it end, I am looking forward to cooler temps and a more stable schedule!

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