Saturday, February 11, 2012

Poppy 8 months

Another month has come and gone!  In just 4 months, this girl will be one!
8 months brought some milestones, but not better sleep, I'm afraid. :(  She's actually gone backwards in the sleep department, waking up twice most nights.  We are considering crying it out through the night, but part of me is too tired to deal with that.  It's actually easy to feed her for 10 minutes, knowing she will go right back to sleep.  Plus, she's my last baby!  We'll see what happens there...
Poppy has started clapping and using her pincer grasp to pick up small things, especially things she finds on the carpet.
Poppy got her first ear infection last month too.  I'm hoping it's also the last.
Poppy started the 8th month with one tooth and is now sporting 4 pearly whites.  2 on the bottom (the usual ones in the middle) and 2 on the top (one in the middle and on the side).  2 more on the top will probably poke through soon.  I really dislike the teething phase.
Here are some cute pictures from the last month...
Laughing and showing off that first tooth.
What, Mom?  I am just eating this bib until you get over here with my breakfast.
Watching the brothers jump.
A big thing in the last couple weeks is that she can get up on all fours now.  She rocks back and forth but hasn't figured out the crawling yet.  She usually ends up going backwards.  Poppy has mastered the back to belly roll but is still working on going the other way.
Still working on that crawling.
This is hard work, Mom!
Looking cute on her 8 month "birthday"
She was fussy one day, so I decided to see if she liked the magnet assortment.  It was a hit.
I see a mastery of crawling in the next month.  And hopefully better sleep too!

1 comment:

Tara said...

She's so adorable!