Saturday, August 13, 2011

Poppy's 2 months!

Time is just flying by!  Our Poppy is already 2 months old!  She has outgrown her newborn clothes and is rapidly approaching the weight limit in size 1 diapers.  I love watching her grow and do new things, but part of me is sad that she's not teeny tiny anymore.  It feels like that phase was just too short!
This picture was taken in early July, so closer to 1 month.  Compare it to the last ones in this post and you'll see how much bigger she is. 
I was trying to get a smile.  Instead I got a yawn...
Attempting a roll
Look at this curly bath hair!  Hard to believe it dries so straight.  She has really started to love the bath, especially when she can watch TV at the same time.
She doesn't love tummy time but is really very strong.  In the week since this picture, she can lift her head so much higher.
She doesn't usually love the swing but spent a good chunk of time in there one day.  She's admiring herself in the mirror abover her.
We went to the doctor on the 3rd for the first round of shots.  She weighed in at 12lb 13oz!  That's the 92nd percentile.  I don't remember her length but it was the 75th percentile.  Since Lachlan was a baby, they've combined several vaccines into one, so she got 2 shots and 1 oral vaccine.  The oral one was the worst; she thought the nurse was trying to kill her, I think. 
Here she is passed out on the couch after her appointment.  She was so tired that she never knew her life was in danger (brothers!) several times!

I wish I could report that Poppy has gotten on a great schedule, but I can't.  We've struggled getting her reflux under control but are finally seeing some improvement with an increase in her meds and my dairy free diet. 
She is still eating every 3 hours during the day but has lengthened the time between night feedings, going up to 6 hours.  Mommy has really enjoyed those longer stretches of sleep!
The hardest part right now is getting Poppy to bed at night.  She gets tired around 7:30 most nights but cries instantly when we put her down.  This goes on for about an hour and a half.  Luckily she's usually pretty easy to put back down after a dream feed at 10.  We are looking forward to her going to bed easier and having our evenings back.  She still loves to be swaddled.
In other news, she is definitely smiling a ton now.  She is also really responding to people talking to her instead of just smiling randomly.  She is also rolling from belly to back pretty consistently and holding her head up really well.
Poppy, we love you and can't wait to see how you grown and change in the next month!


Tara said...

What a little sweetheart! Love the precious pictures - especially the yawn:-)

Anonymous said...

good girl open real wide let me shoot it right in your mouth