Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Goodbye Pacifier!

We finally bit the bullet and said goodbye to Jonas's paci on Saturday.  We talked about putting a hole in it on Friday but then forgot, so we made sure to get it done on Saturday.  It actually was much less painless than Troy and I expected.  He sucked on it and knew it was broken, and it spent the night with him in bed but not in his mouth.  Sunday night (and every night since), it spent the night on the bookshelf.  He's not ready for it to leave his room but we're okay with that!  We celebrated this accomplishment with a trip to Krispy Kreme last night, where they each got to pick whatever they wanted and "not have to share!"  I can't believe what a big boy Jonas is becoming!  No more diapers and no more paci!  So excited!

1 comment:

thewhitehouse said...

That is awesome Lauren!! What a milestone for you guys. Glad you didn't have to wake up with him at night. Can you believe you have 2 big boys now??