I really can't believe my Lachlan is 1 year old. These 12 months have gone by so fast, much faster than they did with my first 2. For the most part, Lachlan is an easygoing guy. We had his one year check up last week. He weighed in at 21lb 4oz (25th %), was 30 1/4 inches long (75th %), and his head is in the 90th %. He also got 3 shots and tested positive for strep throat! We went in the week before for cough/runny nose and were diagnosed with just a cold, so the strep was a surprise. Unfortunately, we didn't know he had it, so he shared it with Liam, our neighbor. As a side note, I love our pediatrician! Reef kept saying that he didn't want to hear Lachlan cry for the shots, so I told him he could wait in the waiting room. When the nurse came in for the shots, Dr. Gulde took the boys to the waiting room and watched Sponge Bob with them until I was done! How nice is that!
Anyway, here are things I want to remember about 12 months:
-The schedule hasn't really changed: Wake up at 7, nap 9-10:30, nap again 1-3, and bedtime at 7
-He's totally on whole milk now and took to the sippy cup like a champ. I tried a lot of "baby" cups that he hated. Turns out he just wanted one like Jonas'
-He's totally on table food now too. I can't believe how much he can eat! Lachlan loves almost everything...except broccoli and rice
-My little "mini me" loves to "help me with chores. He's always with me if I'm sweeping (loves to use his own broom!), doing laundry, or loading the dishwasher
-He loves his daddy, more than his brothers did at this age, I think. He goes running whenever he hears the garage door open.
-Lachlan really wants to be doing whatever the brothers are doing right now, which sometimes leads to major meltdowns, but we're working on it.
-On the negative side, he's started throwing fits this week. If he doesn't get what he wants, he'll carefully lay down on the ground and start screaming. It's actually kind of funny and I have to work hard not to laugh.
-He hasn't really added a lot of words to the vocab-still just mama and dada but I also think he says ball and Reef sometimes. He did start signing "more" when he needs more food.
I'm sure I'll think of more later, but for now, I'll leave you with pictures. They're not in order. I don't care.
Showing off his new rocket from Gigi, Mr Don, and Aunt Taylor. It's a big hit.
Birthday cake 2. He was mad that he to leave his toys for this.
First ride on the rocket.
1 comment:
wow!! can't believe he's one! I LOVE the last picture of him in the forefront and his brother's in the back. Too cute =)
btw, thanks for the yummy treats for today!
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