Wednesday, November 11, 2009

3 months

Lachlan turned 3 months on Thursday. He's growing soooo fast!
Things to remember about this month:
-You started sleeping longer consistently this month. You're usually in bed by 7:45 and wake between 2 and 3 to eat. Then back to bed until 7. I'm happy with that!
-You still HATE tummy time, and Mommy really needs to get better at making you do it.
-You are our easiest baby yet! Your so happy just laying on your playmat, "talking" to the dangling animals.
-You love your daddy. When he comes in the room, you follow him with your eyes and always smile when he talks to you.
-You've really started "talking" a lot more this month.
-You still take pretty much all your naps in the swing, but I'm hoping to work on that before 4 months.
-Still not rolling over yet, but hopefully soon!
-You got your first cold this month and handled it great! You put up with the cough and congestion and only had 1 really bad night.
-Your crossed eye really improved this month and I even got a smile in your monthly picture!

1 comment:

Kim said...

he's getting so big! Look at those chunky little legs! SO cute